"It's an absolute gravity of the statement of Senator Esteban Caselli declaring its intention of wanting to stand in the forthcoming presidential elections in Argentina."
is asserted by Fabio Porta, PD parliamentary service in Latin America and recently in its mission to Buenos Aires, in regard to the allegations of Senator of the PDL Esteban Caselli (elected in the same breakdown), about the desire to run for President of 'Argentina.
"That intention - a member of PD continues - it is not accompanied by a contextual statement which the Senator announces his resignation from the Senate of the Italian Republic, and indeed urged the sense that the Senator has categorically ruled out that possibility."
"We are therefore overlooked - continues on. Door - a blatantly instrumental use of Italians abroad (in this case, the great Argentine community) for personal political maneuvers that have nothing to do with the problems of our compatriots, on the contrary, such an act casts a serious shadow of discredit on the important tool of the right to vote and liabilities acquired after years of just demands of the millions of Italians in the world. "
"For these reasons - added the leader of the PD - I turn to the President of the Republic, the supreme guarantor of the Constitution was amended to allow for their full realization of this right, so there is clarity on this case in order to prevent Italian MP elected to a foreign step, in substance, a conquest so important, also write to the Presidents of the House and Senate Schifani Fini, also asking them to intervene to defend the full autonomy of our institutions and against all attempts to exploit it for personal purposes by Parliament. "
"Finally, I also appellerò Foreign Minister Frattini - is still explained in the note holder - because I consider serious even in diplomatic relations between Italy and Argentina such an occurrence, which could alter, in a negative way and with obvious consequences on relations between the two countries, the historical ties of friendship and bilateral relations the same. "
"Senator Casey - insists on the. Port - is perfectly free, in its capacity as an Argentine citizen, a candidate for any political office-institutional, but does so in accordance with the mandate of the Italian Parliament and the voters have entrusted it to him, immediately resign if the Senate confirms the willingness to participate directly to the Argentine political life. "
"As an Italian, and as a parliamentarian elected in South America - said the Parliamentary Assembly of the PD - I feel a deep shame for such behavior, even more disturbing because it comes from a character like Esteban Caselli, who before and after the last elections and the Italian press Argentina has devoted hundreds of articles ricordando il suo contraddittorio passato, dai periodi bui della dittatura all’alleanza con Menem, come i suoi legami con il cattolicesimo oltranzista e reazionario, le amicizie con personaggi collusi con la mafia e il narcotraffico o le sue recenti affermazioni di stampo razzista e xenofobo”.
“Senza dimenticare – ricorda Porta a fine nota – l’inchiesta aperta presso la Procura della Repubblica relativa ai presunti brogli elettorali avvenuti in Sudamerica, con al centro migliaia di schede elettorali di dubbia provenienza, attribuite tutte dalla stessa mano che le ha compilate al Senatore Esteban Caselli e annullate dalla Corte d’Appello di Roma”.