For several months I have become a "commuter" commuters, for the uninitiated, are those people who - for various needs, but usually for work - are back and forth between their home city and the place where she works, "pendulum", in fact, from one place to another.
My commute, however, is a very special place. It is not in my case to come and go from city to city and another, but between one nation and another, and indeed, between one continent to another.
Of course I am referring to commuting between Italy and Brazil, a situation common today (although with different rhythms and frequencies as appropriate) to hundreds of people, mainly businessmen or professionals in tourism.
And what you find "pendulum"? Nothing extraordinary for those who, like many Italians and natives living in Brazil, has already experienced this strange and contradictory dualism, which is at the same time feel a stranger in his own country and in foreign country. A feeling that makes you appreciate things that we often do not notavi, or you gave them for granted, and suddenly you take on an extraordinary importance. Suddenly it seems that smile or that sort of talk is the most beautiful in the world, or ever, ever you might go on living without the smells and flavors. And the great thing is that the smile is on one side of the continent and those flavors are on the other side, or vice versa, in a word: there will always lack something, wherever we are.
But maybe - and this is the simple thought that I would like to develop - things are exactly the opposite. Those who live in between two worlds, as well as those who have split their lives between two nations, carries with him a wealth of unique and immeasurable languages \u200b\u200band cultures, but also values \u200b\u200band traditions and customs of distant peoples that this kind of 'transhumance' (ie the shift in time and space) can magicamente a trasformare in una vera e propria ricchezza in grado di fare crescere e sviluppare interi Paesi e continenti.
Cosa sarebbe l’Italia senza le salutari contaminazioni di popoli, razze ed etnie diverse che nel corso di millenni ne hanno caratterizzato la storia, contribuendo a costruire quel Paese che oggi è da tutti considerato la culla dell’arte e della cultura mondiale?
E cosa sarebbe il Brasile senza il continuo mescolarsi di razze e religioni che ne hanno caratterizzato i tanti secoli della sua storia, facendolo divenire proprio per questa incredibile varietà di culture e colori forse il Paese al mondo più realmente multietnico e interrazziale?
Ecco allora la universale magia dell’emigrato, dell’oriundo, the pendulum: to bring to himself and to offer the world around us a universe of values \u200b\u200band a frame of reference unique and multifaceted, open-minded and flexible in order to overcome insurmountable divisions fences and anachronistic.
The moral of this is that the world is "complementary" and not self-sufficient.
monotony Imagine a world equal to Italy or Brazil, Switzerland and Argentina. But no one would know to imagine a world without individual cultural differences that these countries have made, not only the history has taught us that when these cultures come together the fruits derived therefrom are true miracles of development and change. And 'the miracle of life that those who had the good fortune to meet and sometimes live on their skin or in the family can safely witness every day.
mistake to those who loudly at this point would just say that the argument is obvious and sustained. I was recently in Argentina where I sentitto a candidate for President of the Republic are celebrating 'racial purity' and the defense of the nation from foreign ethnic groups, and in Italy it is unfortunately not unusual to listen to - even in Parliament - from the opening speeches on the dangers the country to foreigners and on the futility of our relationship with our community living abroad.
E ' This is why it is sometimes necessary to repeat in a loud voice (in this case write) principles and concepts that seemingly would be part of the established values \u200b\u200bthroughout the world to do so is tantamount to open up the dangerous crossings to the seed of racism and intolerance .
Italians and Brazilians have had the good fortune to be born and grow up in two countries historically characterized by their openness to the world and large levels of integration and solidarity.
We should be proud and never forget!