"Italians abroad have not gone out of fashion": He wrote in an editorial that appeared in the leading Italian newspaper, Il Corriere della Sera, journalist Gian Antonio Stella.
The sentence certainly provocative, opens an article entitled even more explicit: "Italians abroad 'betrayed'"! An article written, mind you, not just one of the most experienced and knowledgeable in the history of our emigration abroad (one of the few, alas, Italian journalists who can write with knowledge of the facts of the phenomenon), but also one of greatest scourge of waste and theft of some Italian politicians.
Gian Antonio Stella is in fact famous for being in Italy (together with his colleague Sergio Rizzo) one of the authors of "Caste", the bestseller that has sold several million copies by fleas in our democratic institutions, recounting is detailed with accurate cost data and privileges. Less
copies, unfortunately, has sold another of his wonderful book, "When we were the Albanians" brief but clear and objective history of the 'diaspora' of the 28 million Italians in over a century of history unit were forced to leave our country. What does have
Italians abroad with caste, wastage of public administration with the Italian diaspora of Italians in the world?
A link is there, and emerges in a Star editorial of controversy but net.
Italian governments have always had afraid to really cut costs and privileges of a public administration that might 'lose weight' by reducing unnecessary subsidies obsolete structures and I think for example the "provinces", an intermediate administrative unit between the municipalities and regions that today constitute an unnecessary cost to the speakers State but that no government until now has had the guts to cut. The examples could go on, ranging far and wide among the folds of government benefits or costs of individual local authorities (municipalities, provinces, regions).
In Italy (and not only in Italy) is not easy to remove in deeds and not words to unnecessary spending and waste that are hidden in the budgets of these administrations. Where taglia invece, a man bassa e senza pietà? Su tutti (tutti !) i capitoli di bilancio destinati agli italiani che vivono all’estero, alla faccia del ‘debito storico’ del nostro Paese con questi nostri connazionali o della ‘risorsa straordinaria’ da essi rappresentati in tutti gli angoli del mondo. “Debito storico”, “risorsa straordinaria”: si tratta ormai di vecchi slogan, di frasi fatte e non più di moda, appunto, come recita l’articolo apparso qualche settimana fa sul “Corriere”.
Perché questo accade? Secondo la riflessione sviluppata dall’articolo di Gian Antonio Stella semplicemente per un cinico interesse di natura politica: gli italiani abroad do not vote in local elections (municipal, provincial and regional) and therefore can not react to the cuts imposed on them. Yes, someone will object, there is always so called voting abroad, achieved after years of achievements and now represented by eighteen members of Parliament elected by more than four million Italians abroad. But one vote away (you will vote only in 2013) that large sections of the majority supporting the government (and some members of the opposition) want to eliminate as soon as possible, or at least change to such an extent as to make it impervious to the claims of their descendants Italian living outside the national borders. Unfortunately
wickedness of those who has lined unpresentable people abroad in Italy, a voting mechanism too open to fraud and interference of organized crime (even as to who had the task of ensuring the fairness of the vote) have helped to undermine the law, exposing them to the mockery of the Italian public.
The same is happening with the right to Italian citizenship 'ius sanguinis' on the part of Italian descent, tarnished by people who have nothing to do with the honor and the law.
The best defense - at times - is to attack, this popular adage is also used in this case.
To defend the rights gained when (Apparently) we Italians abroad were "fashionable" we must protect them by offering credible solutions that could improve the system of voting abroad, at the same time we must demand from our judiciary and the diplomatic-consular network the maximum penalty to those who were performed in Italy and abroad, actions and events that have affected almost sacred right to the heart, namely the granting of citizenship through the "blood" of our brave ancestors.