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There once was a Pied Piper that could enchant huge masses of people, leading them in his casa di marzapane. I fortunati che varcavano la soglia di quel meraviglioso castello rimanevano prigionieri di un incantesimo: ai loro occhi, il pifferaio diventava per sempre il loro padrone. Le donne più belle gli concedevano le loro grazie, mentre altre donne, meno aggraziate, e tutti gli uomini diventavano suoi cortigiani, rinunciando al ben dell’intelletto pur di compiacerlo e declamando con voce stentorea sol quel che lui desiderava ascoltare.
La magia non si arrestava alla sola magione stregata del pifferaio: presto si estese alle aree immediatamente circostanti, poi ai granducati confinanti, fino a imprigionare l’intero Paese, che divenne così il Paese Wonderland. The meanings were emptied, dictionaries and books burned, and the names were no longer associated with things that were just renamed to suit the wishes of the Pied Piper. Even abstract concepts and collective nouns, such as freedom, justice and more and more people slipped away from their original meaning, to disengage completely and live its own life.
" The thesis of the King was that whatever he had a head could be beheaded " it was so for some, that would serve as an example to many. Many, then, fell into traps thesis piper in the Hundred Acre Wood: Some snapped the poisoned apple, which also looked beautiful and shiny, others did fooled by thieves and wolves, disguised as religious, which offered a magic lamp, the onestuomini were deceived and corrupted by foxes and cats, unleashed anywhere, and almost all fell into a deep sleep that lasted many years, dangerously asleep in the woods.
Nobody listened to a few brave stayed awake: by dint of shouting "Wolf! Wolf! "Had no more breath in my throat to wake the sleepers. Nor could we find a child with the innocence necessary to shout to the people: "The emperor has no clothes." Meanwhile, the appearance of the piper were changing: more and more old and fat, became first in a pig, which Panza with his cronies, then a snarling crocodile, then into a huge snake, then into a giant dragon that devoured the virgins, like read a good prophecy, went unheard a few years ago.
The material and moral corruption was rife: the women were sold for a crystal shoe, the men for a place at court, where it stayed stable boys, whores and whoremongers. The nights were organized Dionysian orgies pay, days spent changing the laws of the principality on purpose to make more and more invincible dragon, while he continued to flame, incinerating everything in its path.
gilded coaches aggregates were returning pumpkins, gingerbread castle was transformed into a left, a den of hell, the abode of the monster, while all around was burning and the dragon was hiding in the dense smoke and toxic black, which he himself created. Someone woke up in the woods, so strong was the smell of burning, but it was too late: they were not looking to sow the bread crumbs and nobody knew how to get out of that damn forest.
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