Mentre stringevo la mano al Presidente Lula, qui a Roma a pochi giorni dall’elezione di Barack Obama a Presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America, pensavo tra me e me: “Questo secolo e’ iniziato con l’elezione di un metalmeccanico Northeastern President of the Republic of Brazil and now continues with an African-American president for the first time most of the 'major world power, perhaps not' just a slogan to continue to say that 'a new world and' possible '"The
Obama's victory and 'certainly an event of extraordinary historical significance, and to understand it enough to observe the effect, not only the media, his election in the world. The World Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Europe and South America have not happened for years as following the progress and outcome of U.S. election campaign.
The eight painful years of President George Bush, marked by the disastrous guerra in Irak e terminati con una delle piu’ gravi crisi finanziarie mondiali dopo il crollo delle borse del 1929, sembravano diventati un macigno capace di chiudere e mortificare definitivamente le speranze di un mondo nuovo, all’insegna di un multilateralismo in grado di superare l’unilateralismo americano rafforzatosi dopo il crollo del sistema sovietico che aveva caratterizzato la fine del secolo scorso.
La voglia di cambiamento, divenuta in questi ultimi mesi quasi un imperativo categorico, ha cosi’ accompagnato e portato al trionfo elettorale Barack Obama, sospinto dalla forza delle nuove generazioni bianche, dagli ispanici e dagli afro-americani, come anche da milioni di “tifosi” che a qualsiasi latitudine della land have hoped and believed strongly in a change which will impact on an international stage so even 'transformed in recent years.
Back to Lula. In the course of the G20 central bankers and ministers of Economy, the President of Brazil has clamored for "new rules to govern the crisis" and especially "a new financial architecture" that can give weight and voice to emerging countries as well as those in the developing world. This too 'request for change is now no longer' avoidable extended. The next year the economies of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) to propel the world economy, all other States advanced face a global recession. A figure like this and 'sufficient to explain the entity' of a true 'revolution' in a few years has shaken the international system and to motivate the need for 'a new world order capable of regulating the economic and financial processes , from international trade, still excessively and unfairly plaster blocks and protections desired by those who once considered rich countries (and which now are no longer 'time, while other economic players have arrived on the world stage).
E 'for these reasons that the election of a new U.S. president and' a historic event that is beyond the 'simple considerations of domestic American politics, but also beyond the' obvious effects of international settlement of a new tenant in the White House. Italy
View Obama's election has certainly a special meaning, just in recent months and our country 'struggling with an economic crisis that is unprecedented in the postwar period, while the large influx of immigrants, almost always come in Italy to do the work that our compatriots are not more ', has increased at an alarming incidents of racism and disrespect'. The current government has often "fanned the fire" by exploiting the xenophobia and feeding demagogically feelings of racial hatred laws through precise measurements (to file fingerprint Roma children, the separate classes for immigrant ...), the unhappy "beats" of Prime Minister Berlusconi on the new President of the United States "handsome, young and tanned ..." not certainly improve this situation and, as you rightly say the daughter of Bobby Kennedy, "are a bad example for Italy, which has problems of ethnic integration."
There are many reasons that lead us then to look with hope and confidence of America January 21, 2009, the date of the official celebration of the inauguration of President Barack Obama to the White House.
"The world changes" read on a poster all over Italy in the aftermath of the historic U.S. elections. We hope 'that this change will be followed by the construction of a new model of international relations based on effective multilateralism and a fair and equitable integration of economies and trade, a model that can give new impetus to the economies in recession advanced countries but also to sustain the growth of emerging countries.
only positive from this "shock" will be able to 'rise to the' new world 'that we all hope, able to integrate more and more' in developing countries, now horribly and inevitably on the edge of the international financial system concerned only to "salvage" and no longer 'able to give credible answers to the future of the political-economic world.
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