With a title a bit 'challenging it is to point out that the procedures introduced this year by the Region Emilia Romagna is an undoubted step forward towards a system of quality but at the same time are new not yet fully understood nor fully and accurately applied.
Many operators are still looking for a better clarification and there is a feeling that the credit can sometimes become in a real odyssey for the leaders of Local Authorities and especially of the managing bodies of the services that are in the front line with the responsibility for providing quality services in a context of a critical organizational and economic point of view.
The conference will be held at the John XXIII in Bologna Viale Roma n ° 21 on 15 December.
The association first of all thank the administration and management of the ASP bolognese for his sensitivity and willingness to contribute to the effort of dissemination and study of problems dell'acreditmaneto that in this period have been one of the core issues for managing bodies of the services.
Director-General dell'ASP, dott. Alfonso Galbusera aprirà l'incontro e rappresenterà nella tavola rotonda la voce delle ASP.
Interprete centrale della Tavola Rotonda sarà il Dirigente regionale Raffaele Tomba a cui è chiesta una relazione di sintesi sullo stato dell'arte dell'accreditamento e verso il quale, inevitabilmente, si indirizzeranno le domande, i dubbi e perchè no le critiche dei vari rappresentanti delle istituzioni, pubbliche e private, interessate al problema.
Il Programma vede l'apertura dei lavori alle 9 e la chiusure del dibattito poco dopo mezzogiorno a cui seguirà la presentation of a book by Dr. Mary Mongardi entitled "Assistance to the elderly: a hospital, area of \u200b\u200bresidence,"
the debate, which will be coordinated by the President Anoxia Emilia Romagna (Daper Renato), take part in addition to the above mentioned: Giovanni Maria
Soro (Manager USL)
Louis Squeri (Manager of the town of Piacenza)
Alberto Alberani (Head of cooperatives)
Michele Fiorini (representatives of private business)
When will Lunch offered
Participation is completely free, but for organizational reasons, it is booking essential.
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