Preview the poster invitation to the roundtable to be held at John XXIII on December 15 |
This roundtable concludes the study and dissemination of work that the association has done this year on the issue of accreditation of health services in Emilia Romagna. We started dll'accreditamento in March when the problem has finally taken shape for the entry into force of the rules and have continued throughout the year developing all the issues first ncipali and touching different provinces of the region in search of unique and simply to make a bit 'characters a bit more' iterritori all of our region. Now everything seems to be over because the deadline of having to submit ENRO glia cts application has now expired and accreditation bodies have, for better or worse, done so. But is it really? It is all ended happily? Or maybe it all starts right now!?
We believe that beauty is yet to come!
Below we transcribe the abstract of the conference
Many operators are still looking for a better clarification and there is a feeling that the credit can sometimes turn into a veritable odyssey for the leaders of Local Authorities and especially of the managing bodies of the services that are in the front line with the responsibility for providing quality services in a context of a critical organizational and economic point of view.
will host the highly anticipated Tomb Raffaele Regional Manager who will join representatives of institutions concerned with the problem.
After the debate there will be a presentation of a book that you think may be a real help for the training of staff
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