Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Ultrasonic Foggers Work


Dear Ricardo, parabens hair teu blog, que nao conhecia! Vou me return um usuario / Freguesia das Tuas notas.A proposito, por acaso tem mais fotos da visita de Lula em Italia (eu estavo com o Massimo D'Alema no encontro no Hotel Hassler Villa Medici...).Um abraço,Fabio Porta

I Have Eczema Can I Be A Pilot

2011, 2014, 2016

"The revolution of the middle class" is how the investigation was opened dedicated by a large Italian newspaper that the economic boom in the coming years will upset the current ranking of the richest countries and the industrialized world. In fact, thanks to the growth of 'middle class' and its boost to consumption, the countries today called' emerging 'as Brazil, Russia, India and China will drive alongside the United States and the European Union to block' global economy.
It is no coincidence that - after winning the Brazilian candidacy to organize the FIFA World Cup 2014 - Rio de Janeiro has wrought in a peremptory competition from Chicago, Tokyo and Madrid for the 2016 Olympics: United States, Japan and Spain (the only European country remained in the race until the last) is in fact the old world economic system, while Brazil was also imposed to be one of the leaders of the BRIC (four countries) as well as the leader of a continent that never before had the honor of hosting an edition of the games.
International Lula's charisma, the name and prestige of Pele, the popularity and appeal as a writer Paulo Coelho did the rest, contributing not only to bring home the Olympics but more generally to state definitively and I would even say blatant now recognized by all the weight of Brazil in the new international scenario.
This victory is also a bit 'we, us Italians, I say.
No, I'm not referring to the five major vows that the Italian delegation has poured on the job di “Rio 2016” (magari sperando nel sostegno brasiliano a “Roma 2020”). Sto parlando della rivoluzione pacifica e democratica che lentamente ma inesorabilmente sta spingendo il Brasile lontano dalle secche dei Paesi in via di sviluppo, attraversando il complesso e contraddittorio cammino dei Paesi emergenti, per approdare infine al consesso dei Paesi maggiormente sviluppati.
Una rivoluzione segnata, come dicevamo all’inizio, dalla crescita netta e costante della classe media, all’interno della quale la popolazione degli oltre trenta milioni di italo-discendenti costituisce senz’altro una componente determinante.
Gli italiani, potremmo dire, dopo aver fatto la “Merica” hanno fatto il Brasile, Brazil today is that this imposes on the world stage acclaim and earning the respect even of those who until a few years ago denigrated or even mocking the South American giant.
Of course, the contradictions continue to exist: the poorest of the population are still strongly present in the socio-demographic composition of the country, institutions are still suffering from corruption are often the result of a failure and needed policy reform, poor or no infrastructure large areas of the country relegated to a subordinate role compared to the richest and most advanced areas, customs duties and bureaucracy at times slow and difficult to make a full internationalization of the system with the consequent opening of markets esters.
all critical factors to be tackled with determination, especially by the government that will succeed Lula in 2010, which will have the daunting but exciting task of translating this great heritage and economic policy in specific choices of economic development and social justice.
In this context, our country is preparing even now for an appointment doubly important: 2011 will be the year of celebrations in Italy and worldwide, the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, but also the year of ' Italy to Brazil, for which we are already designing and proposing a number of important initiatives coordinated by our Embassy in Brasilia.
The 150 years of Italian history dovranno dare uno spazio adeguato al ruolo delle nostre comunità emigrate in tutti questi anni nei quattro continenti: una epopea che ha visto milioni di italiani lasciare la loro terra natale per avventurarsi in paesi e nazioni a loro sconosciuti; il lavoro, il sacrificio e le realizzazioni di questi emigrati costituiscono una delle pagine più amare ma anche più belle della storia ultracentenaria del Paese. In Brasile dovremo celebrare questa importante ricorrenza con un grande evento ed una serie di iniziative ad esso dedicate.
Contemporaneamente, l’anno dell’Italia in Brasile non dovrà ridursi ad una parata di delegazioni di carattere turistico-istituzionale o all’organizzazione di questa o quella iniziativa motivata dall’intento to see that "here we are." This is a serious opportunity to build up a presence too often fragmented and disorganized, then a chance to really 'System', showing our excellence here in Brazil but also seizing the real opportunities of economic cooperation and trade for our small and medium-sized companies.
ambitious and looking to a result of medium and long term, just as did the millions of our fellow citizens who began arriving here over a century ago, ambitious and far-sighted, indeed.