Monday, December 22, 2008

How Oldis Maxi Mounds


“Importiamo Papponi”: with this title, the Italian newspaper "Libero" has welcomed the opening of the First Conference of Young Italians in the World, held in Rome last December.
I thought (without seeing one) about how they might translate into Portuguese the word "pimp," which in reality 'is not even a term usually used in Italy, taking part' of a vulgar and insulting vocabulary of a normal vocabulary.
"pimps and 'one who lives on the shoulders of others, someone who wants to take advantage of a situation, called a rude - in other words - who may take advantage of an event or initiative in order to gain personal benefit, perhaps only for ‘mangiare a sbafo’, cioe’ gratis…
Si’, avete letto e capito benissimo: un importante quotidiano italiano, diretto da Vittorio Feltri, famoso giornalista milanese, definiva in questa maniera gli oltre quattrocento delegati giunti a Roma da tutto il mondo (40 dal Brasile) in rappresentanza di alcuni milioni di italiani e italo-discendenti oggi residenti all’estero.
Questo titolo la dice lunga su come parte dell’opinione pubblica italiana vede gli italiani nel mondo, quelli che una volta chiamavamo “oriundi”: i figli e i nipoti di quell’esercito di emigrati che oltre ad avere salvato l’Italia di oltre un secolo fa da un collasso certo hanno poi contribuito a renderla ricca with their "assigned". People which is that any serious country in the world would be proud, proud, true ambassadors of Italy in the world, and the only permanent link between our country and the four continents.
Yet not everyone thinks this way 'and yet someone still ashamed of that past, and yet someone does not want to accept that with the only change made in sixty years to our constitutional charter Italians living abroad are now, thanks to vote and elect their representatives in Parliament, citizens with equal rights and duties compared to their compatriots who live inside their own borders.
Everyone in Italy knows that "Free" and 'politically a newspaper close to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and is' why that headline has caused me some concern.
are in fact not the few thousand copies of a newspaper to worry, but the political culture in which that information sheet refers.
A culture, fortunately, that pervades the majority of government.
I was in the House, headquarters of the Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, when the President delivered a memorable speech to delegates at the conference opening session, words, including Fini, in exact contrast with the claims of "free" and some quarters of the center-right Italian; words in harmony with the appeal to young people on the same occasion the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. Why
'then so much evil when it comes to investments relating to the Italians in the world?
Why ', I believe, in Italy someone wants to close its doors to the world, close to the past (migration) but also to the future (immigration), in the illusion that by putting our heads in the sand like an ostrich is possible to address and solve the problems posed by heightened the financial crisis, the incipient recession and a globalization that is not sparing anyone.
myopic vision not only unfair and wrong. Recognizes not emigrate ed all’immigrazione quel valore storicamente innovatore e rivoluzionario; la storia della nostra emigrazione e’ si’ una storia di sacrifici e di sofferenze, ma si e’ trasformata poi anche in storia di successo e di eccellenza italiana nel mondo. Una storia che oggi, proprio grazie a quei giovani “papponi” puo’ divenire per l’Italia nuova fonte di ricchezza, di crescita e di sviluppo.
Solo la cecita’ o l’ignoranza arrogante di qualcuno puo’ permettersi il lusso di non capirlo.
E’ per questo che ho subito condiviso l’immediata e indignata protesta dei giovani italo-discendenti riuniti a Roma. Mi ha fatto piacere ascoltare e leggere le parole del Ministro della gioventu’ Italian, Giorgia Meloni, angry and shocked as me for that title but also fierce supporter of the validity 'of that initiative.
I got to share almost a week of work, debates, meetings and discussions with these guys: I appreciated the quality 'and depth' of their reasoning and the work of their final thematic commissions. They also come to lament the absence among young Italians living in Italy, "the same spirit of critical thinking and operational propositions in the direction of the future.
This type of experience, if anything, should be guaranteed continuity and an adequate follow-'. Unfortunately, the choices of the Government are in fact more 'in the direction of the title of "Libero" that the lines of what the President of the Chamber or by the Minister of Youth'.
E 'Italy to need - at this moment as never before in its past - the energy and enthusiasm of her children and grandchildren who live abroad, much less the opposite!
I still hope that the wisdom and foresight of the majority of the parliamentarians and representatives of our institutions will be 'able to understand it before (I repeat wearily) it's too late ...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Swot Analysis For Kitchenaid


We are in the heart of a "historic crisis "marked by a global recession and the constant threat of terrorism that has marked the world after September 11. The economy - not only the speculative finance - is hit by alarming predictions. After all just look at us. A million jobs at risk here in a year. Four hundred of the temporary home by Christmas, and among them many women. A widespread poverty that borders and recruit the middle class. Companies, even courageous in the way of being in the markets, the future mortgaged. All in a country with a budget that we know, with delays and anomalies notes. Until yesterday we were a nation perpetually poised in a world that dominated the G8. Today the G8 dies replaced by another club where we hardly There will be a significant space. While we remain a nation that did not solve its basic problem: the years have returned to a major modernization and just in terms of growth and expansion opportunities, rights, responsibilities. An Italy downgraded, this is the risk. A country isolated in its slowness, bureaucracy, inequality. Where the elites of politics and society, in this matched, they could continue in the mortification of talent and people to safeguard the interests and incomes of a few. A great country that can literally get lost. Off. Yet the response resources are there. But to be seen, recognized and appreciated. That is one of moral and political ambitions del Pd.

Questo è il quadro: un mondo che cambia in modo vorticoso. Un’Europa alla ricerca della propria funzione. Un’Italia che dovrebbe avere il coraggio, soprattutto adesso, di una “rivoluzione dolce”. Rivoluzione di idee, mentalità, contenuti economici e sociali. E che invece è in mano a un governo – a una destra – che si limita a rinnovare le cause della nostra decadenza in nome della triade “Dio Patria e Famiglia”. La realtà è che mai come ora siamo di fronte a snodi che investono il nostro destino. Il futuro per le prossime cinque o sei generazioni. La sorte stessa della “democrazia repubblicana”. E non perché siano in pericolo principi costituzionali formal but due to the change gradually from a representative democracy to an "insidious authoritarianism." A process that clears a parliament of its prerogatives "appointed", which reduces the space of participation, which amplifies the media obsession, which drains the remaining forms of good citizenship in a country of his little inclined to respect the rules of public ethics and .

are just some of the issues facing the Democratic Party. And the reason that drove many of us long to put the node of its political culture and the true meaning of a "vocation majority" that should not be seen as "empowerment." Imagine what role for Italy in the coming years? That modello di democrazia scegliamo di difendere o promuovere, a partire dal “nostro” federalismo? Come pensiamo di affrontare il tema della crescita: quali terapie d’urto per creare nuova occupazione, per una più equa distribuzione dei redditi, per ridare dignità al lavoro? Che concezione abbiamo di sicurezza e legalità, della cittadinanza, del dialogo sulla pace e sui diritti umani? E come pensiamo di rapportarci a quelle domande di senso che ovunque investono le coscienze e responsabilizzano i parlamenti, a partire dalla difesa del principio della laicità nell’epoca dei fondamentalismi e di temi etici inediti? Insomma la vera domanda è come una politica “autonoma” intende rinnovare quella trama di rights and duties, the common responsibility that distinguishes a free society and aware, and that's the only way to revive growth competitive, socially fair and sustainable in its environmental impact.

is said to look at Obama. But at what size of Obama? What grows in this great civic passions of the American people? Or even the Obama promoted a program of economic innovation and social cohesion? Or again, the Obama civil rights and the protection of any minority? And Europe? Can we - Democrats and Democratic Italian - across the Atlantic to build our field of reference and cultural ideals? Or is it not also from history and deep roots in Europe - and memory of our civilization - we must draw inspiration to strengthen the innovation that we have candidates to promote and govern? Question also relates to the crux of our future position in Parliament in Strasbourg.

Questions series. Until then - not the least important - which affects the pattern of party we want to build. What will be done in its branch network, its roots. What will be the weight of the autonomy of the regional parties, the definition of its political culture, of alliances, the selection of the ruling classes. One thing is a federal party. Another would una confederazione di partiti. E ancora: come combineremo la spinta alla partecipazione delle primarie a tutti i livelli con una vita democratica che non si riduca solo a quell’aspetto, pure fondamentale?

Non è solo un elenco di temi. Il punto è che la risposta a questi e altri snodi fisserà la cornice culturale del Partito Democratico. Quel Partito che è la risorsa sulla quale abbiamo investito. E che rappresenta per ciascuno di noi la vera speranza di avvenire per il Paese.

Non possiamo assistere in silenzio a ciò che avviene sotto i nostri occhi. Un grande progetto di unità e innovazione rischia di smarrirsi dentro logiche di rendita e logoramento. A tutti i livelli. Prima di tutto al vertice, talvolta insofferente to a comparison of the merits of the choices you make. The area where conflicts are multiplying, and often for reasons of trim or power. Despite this, a "democratic people" there. Resist. Reacts, beginning with our clubs. As we saw at the Circus Maximus. O in the protests of students, teachers and workers. But is the difference between the two dimensions - the real country and the political and democratic life of the Democratic Party - to create uncertainty, confusion, and in some cases a quiet abandonment. Faced with this situation, everyone must roll up their sleeves. No longer enough to say that we were born only a year, which made many good things and that time will reward our courage. Neither point is a “resa dei conti” che riduca tutto alla questione della leadership. Noi dobbiamo affrontare e risolvere i problemi. E per farlo non è sufficiente ripetere che le “correnti” sono il male da combattere. E’ una frase di buon senso ma prescinde dal fatto che le correnti ci sono. Selezionano le persone sulla base della fedeltà più che del merito, e la maggioranza di chi le contesta – fino dentro il coordinamento nazionale – non può dire di esserne estraneo. Il risultato è che per i più “le correnti fanno male”, salvo la propria. Ma non è pensando a questo modo che si fanno dei passi avanti.

Per tutte queste ragioni è consolatorio ridurre la discussione sul nostro futuro the clash of personalities. Especially not help. The duty of everyone is debating the future of Italy and our democracy. Without hesitation. In the name of a party in which unity could feel "community" is fair to compare a free and clear on ideas and proposals to create finally a "democratic thought." A comparison to places where the membership of all is stronger than support for individual components. What then is the condition for a mixture that would give rise to a plurality of different sign. Of course, emergencies ahead. The economic and social crisis, the European elections and administration. And most of all the daily action, "doing". Passing from supporting our government. And the quality of our opposition. In Parliament, in society, in every municipality, province, region. But those emergencies require to address the unresolved nodes in the construction of the PD. Why a misunderstanding must be overcome. The idea that the construction unit is derived by the provision of patient discussion on choices. Choices clear and understandable to all. The reality is that the Democratic Party if it wants to regain the credibility of "his" words which today seems to have lost, it must focus on the clarity of his positions. And that clarity can not be the result of removal or unanimous di facciata ma il prodotto di una discussione franca e appassionata. Noi vogliamo contribuire a farlo, nelle sedi e nei luoghi dove ciò sarà concretamente possibile e nella stessa Conferenza Programmatica. Lo vogliamo fare con umiltà. Per amore della politica. Per passione verso il Partito nel quale crediamo. E per un’idea di partecipazione che dia valore a ogni persona, alla sua autonomia critica e all’impegno di ciascuno.

2 dicembre 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Brazilian Wax Winston Salem Nc


Mentre stringevo la mano al Presidente Lula, qui a Roma a pochi giorni dall’elezione di Barack Obama a Presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America, pensavo tra me e me: “Questo secolo e’ iniziato con l’elezione di un metalmeccanico Northeastern President of the Republic of Brazil and now continues with an African-American president for the first time most of the 'major world power, perhaps not' just a slogan to continue to say that 'a new world and' possible '"The
Obama's victory and 'certainly an event of extraordinary historical significance, and to understand it enough to observe the effect, not only the media, his election in the world. The World Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Europe and South America have not happened for years as following the progress and outcome of U.S. election campaign.
The eight painful years of President George Bush, marked by the disastrous guerra in Irak e terminati con una delle piu’ gravi crisi finanziarie mondiali dopo il crollo delle borse del 1929, sembravano diventati un macigno capace di chiudere e mortificare definitivamente le speranze di un mondo nuovo, all’insegna di un multilateralismo in grado di superare l’unilateralismo americano rafforzatosi dopo il crollo del sistema sovietico che aveva caratterizzato la fine del secolo scorso.
La voglia di cambiamento, divenuta in questi ultimi mesi quasi un imperativo categorico, ha cosi’ accompagnato e portato al trionfo elettorale Barack Obama, sospinto dalla forza delle nuove generazioni bianche, dagli ispanici e dagli afro-americani, come anche da milioni di “tifosi” che a qualsiasi latitudine della land have hoped and believed strongly in a change which will impact on an international stage so even 'transformed in recent years.
Back to Lula. In the course of the G20 central bankers and ministers of Economy, the President of Brazil has clamored for "new rules to govern the crisis" and especially "a new financial architecture" that can give weight and voice to emerging countries as well as those in the developing world. This too 'request for change is now no longer' avoidable extended. The next year the economies of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) to propel the world economy, all other States advanced face a global recession. A figure like this and 'sufficient to explain the entity' of a true 'revolution' in a few years has shaken the international system and to motivate the need for 'a new world order capable of regulating the economic and financial processes , from international trade, still excessively and unfairly plaster blocks and protections desired by those who once considered rich countries (and which now are no longer 'time, while other economic players have arrived on the world stage).
E 'for these reasons that the election of a new U.S. president and' a historic event that is beyond the 'simple considerations of domestic American politics, but also beyond the' obvious effects of international settlement of a new tenant in the White House. Italy
View Obama's election has certainly a special meaning, just in recent months and our country 'struggling with an economic crisis that is unprecedented in the postwar period, while the large influx of immigrants, almost always come in Italy to do the work that our compatriots are not more ', has increased at an alarming incidents of racism and disrespect'. The current government has often "fanned the fire" by exploiting the xenophobia and feeding demagogically feelings of racial hatred laws through precise measurements (to file fingerprint Roma children, the separate classes for immigrant ...), the unhappy "beats" of Prime Minister Berlusconi on the new President of the United States "handsome, young and tanned ..." not certainly improve this situation and, as you rightly say the daughter of Bobby Kennedy, "are a bad example for Italy, which has problems of ethnic integration."
There are many reasons that lead us then to look with hope and confidence of America January 21, 2009, the date of the official celebration of the inauguration of President Barack Obama to the White House.
"The world changes" read on a poster all over Italy in the aftermath of the historic U.S. elections. We hope 'that this change will be followed by the construction of a new model of international relations based on effective multilateralism and a fair and equitable integration of economies and trade, a model that can give new impetus to the economies in recession advanced countries but also to sustain the growth of emerging countries.
only positive from this "shock" will be able to 'rise to the' new world 'that we all hope, able to integrate more and more' in developing countries, now horribly and inevitably on the edge of the international financial system concerned only to "salvage" and no longer 'able to give credible answers to the future of the political-economic world.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is My Kidney Stone Stuck In My Ureter


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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Does Black Gold And A Bright Red Gothic


The forthcoming visit of President Lula in Italy comes at a particularly difficult time for the Italian economy and extremely positive for the Brazilian.

It 's very high expectations for the upcoming visit of President Lula in Italy. A visit
"state" as defined in the diplomatic jargon of official visits a head of state in a foreign country. The trip
Lula in Rome, in fact, falls into a very special moment and may represent a unique opportunity to revitalize relations between the two countries, especially in the economic and commercial matters.
A year and a half ago was the head of the Italian Government, Romano Prodi, to come to Brazil, and in some of us 'still alive, the encounter with the community' Italian San Paolo and the subsequent signing, in Brasilia, the a detailed memorandum of understanding consists of twenty-six articles, the document placed emphasis in its premise, the great and historical presence of the community 'Italian in Brazil and is structured around the main areas of development of bilateral relations, with particular emphasis on that energy and infrastructure.
of Prodi's visit was not an isolated event, is mentioned in the great boost that the Italian government was giving to relations with South America, after the previous five-year period led by center-right Berlusconi (2001-2006) marked by a little attention its relations with the continent. Today
Berlusconi and 'Head back to the Italian government and would be expected, especially in light of the Italian crisis and the strong growth in Brazil, a change log.
Hope, that ', and' that although the visit of Brazilian President in Italy and 'in some way the result of the great diplomatic work carried out by the then Foreign Minister D'Alema, Italy in 2008 knowing fully grasp the great opportunity 'consist of the next few days the Italian Lula.
The decision to visit - and of course in Rome - the city 'of Turin and Milan, and' indicative of the "cut" that the Brazilian government wants to give this trip: a strong impetus to economic relations and commercial interchange between the two countries , which - according to all observers - can go far beyond 'the current level (significant but not extraordinary).
It 'clear that we expect a new impetus to the institutional relationship between the two countries, and here we hope that Italy, contrary to what In recent months, should strongly support the entry of new emerging powers - Brazil in the lead - in the now old group of "G8", no more 'representative of the new geopolitical and geo-economic world.
The recent dramatic experience of Alitalia would then be taught to our country once and for all, that no one - and above all Italy, which has no major natural resources and energy - can 'live longer' annuity; above all, no one can 'base their growth and development on its own strength and their own history, even if it is an important country like Italy.
For too many years, Italy has enjoyed, in some ways, this position of rent, the location, the thousand-year history, the possession of much of the historical and cultural heritage of mankind 'seemed in itself' to ensure the "boot" a fortune and a perennial increasingly central role in the group of world powers.
Today it is no longer enough, 'and not' even more 'enough in itself the great driving force of the Italian system of small and medium-sized enterprises, the real protagonists of the "economic miracle" that in recent decades had pushed up our GDP .
Today, I repeat, we know that this is not enough '.
The story Alitalia confirmed some ancient vices of the "System Italy" and a certain fatalistic and narcissistic tendency to "go it alone, '" when the Neapolitan philosophy of "pulled forward" ...
Italy there would be' economically speaking, outside the euro, Europe, and this is widespread among Italians despite the contrary opinion, namely that the single European currency has hurt and not good for the country.
Italy there will be 'more', economically and demographically speaking, will not know if 'open with wisdom and intelligence in the world.
And in this effort, let us say, as Italians abroad are the Italians who are in the world that can make a difference. Both
integration policies in favor of the many foreigners who come every year within our borders, as the potential 'development and growth, which could be accentuated by the positive development of our great community' of Italian and Italian -descendants.
Unfortunately this does not seem to be embarked on the road by the Italian government to close and sometimes the repression of foreign immigration and the scant attention given to policies for the Italians in the world negatively characterized his early months of the new mandate Berlusconi. We believe that
in these values \u200b\u200bwill not give up and I say this because 'I am convinced it' Italy in the first place to need many millions of Italians abroad, more 'than the reverse.
past, we have said 'Sometimes, the item "costs" to "investment": the only way' will be possible to reverse a cultural trend, before the economic policy, which in recent months, 'which appeared almost irreversible.
President Lula's visit could be an important element and perhaps decisive for those who believe and carries these beliefs: they are, after all, the President of the country where he lives the most 'great community' of Italian-descended and one of the world economic powers that the more 'grows and develops in areas strategically interesting, if not complementary to the Italian economy.
good trip, President, and good luck ...!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cube Field Game Descargar


The Hon. Fabio Porta and 'spoke in the House debate on the ratification by the Italian Parliament, the Geneva Protocol, which introduces a new symbol next to those already' in existence.

"The Protocol - said in his speech the Hon. Porta - recognizes an additional emblem that will represent ', like the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, their International Movement, the adoption of This new "symbol" (a red box resting on a tip, called the "red crystal") and 'the fruit of a long discussion arose from the need to create a universally accepted and recognized symbol but at the same time not due to any other symbol religious or political, differently from what happens o 'the case for the two symbols' known'

"The" red crystal "- explained the deputy of the Democratic Party - not replace ', however, the Red Cross or Red Crescent, will represent' simply an additional option to be used in particular in situations of armed conflict, namely on the predominantly "protection"; function distinct from the "approximate", or use in public events and initiatives and in peacetime, during which each organization will continue 'to use the symbols traditionally known. "

"In the history of mankind ', and in particular that of national and international political organizations, the symbols have always represented something more' than just identifying marks, no need to go away and just think, for us Italians, to force evocative and representative of the European flag, now a symbol of peace and unity 'of action - even between different countries - all over the world "

"The symbol of the International Red Cross, we all have learned to know and respect, and 'without doubt one of the symbols' known around the world, a universally respected symbol that embodies a feeling of more 'high humanity': mutual rescue and protection of the dignity 'of the person, even though wounded and weakened. This symbol is' one of the few to enjoy special protection by international law and e 'for this reason that our Parliament and' called today for formal employment. "

"Unfortunately - added the Hon. Port - this vote certainly will confirm that 'sensitivity' international and the historic roots of our country in terms of international cooperation and solidarity, comes at a historic moment in which Italy does not own is distinguished by its attention to the dimension of the multilateral peace support and development between peoples. I refer to the serious loss of funds allocated to international cooperation and under the same UN agencies, and 'these days the cry of alarm of NGOs, also picked up - at least in words - even by some members of the majority and the government, against the "cuts" in development cooperation, which depart more and more 'our country from compliance with the "Millennium Goals".

Monday, August 18, 2008

Are Whippets Bad For You

the right to happiness'

I was present, the only Italian Parliament, the impressive inaugural ceremony for President of the Republic of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo. A simple ceremony, perhaps, but authentically popular and one of those rare moments when the policy rediscovers its reason for being, the genuine and vital bond that should unite always ruled and rulers.
A few meters away from the stage of the authorities' I listened to the brief but rich emozionantissimo a speech the President and guests present, first, to his fellow citizens.
Some passages I have been particularly affected: the reference to "re-emerging democracy," after long years of dictatorship and the first corruption and injustice, then, the greeting Paraguay homage to another, that of over three million migrants outside national boundaries, the reference to the origins of the indigenous population, with entire passages of the speech (and the same ceremony) pronounced in Guarani ' , the local language (Paraguay and 'the only country in South America to practice bilingualism, note). But
and 'final appeal aimed at young people, which in Paraguay represent over eighty percent of the population, for making me think, thanks to a curious parallel, but real.
"Have the right to be happy, do not give up your happiness', the joy of life and want to costruire il proprio futuro !”: con queste parole il neo-Presidente si rivolgeva ad una popolazione che, secondo alcune recenti statistiche, faceva del Paraguay il Paese Sudamericano con il minore “tasso di felicita’”.
La felicita’ si nutre infatti di fiducia, di fiducia nel futuro anzitutto, nella possibilita’ di costruire un avvenire migliore per se’ e per i propri figli; un valore seriamente compromesso quando le prospettive di crescita e di sviluppo sono scarse ma ancora di piu’ quando le redini di un Paese sono in mano ad una classe politica distante dai reali interessi della gente.
Ascoltavo le vibranti parole di Lugo e pensavo all’Italia; si’, al nostro Paese che un’analoga Continental has established statistical fact "less happy" with reference to the general feeling between the Italian population.
Italy and Paraguay: so 'far, but who would have thought so' neighbors.
With one major difference: It does not take a sociologist to understand, walking through the streets of Asuncion on August 15, that trust and hope are returning to feed the youth 'of Paraguay; confidence in a serious and honest head of government sincerely affected with a cause and a program, the hope of a change difficult but not impossible, as Lugo wanted to emphasize in another passage of his speech.
I do not see in Rome or Milan breathe the same atmosphere of redemption, on the contrary, Italy continues, perhaps even beyond 'the plausible, to be crossed by a thick cloud and no longer' passing: the cloud of pessimism and mistrust in the future.
In this case it might be necessary to resort to the methods and techniques of social research, but here I would avoid such a study. This
'that I wanted to highlight, and the beginning of the mandate of the last democratically elected leaders in South America inspired me to do, and' this is often forgotten link between happiness 'and politics, between quality' of life and choices government.
Let us never forget: the happiness' and 'a right, and the policy has a duty to work towards full compliance with this fundamental aspiration of man, wherever they live.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Masterbation In Muslim Women


has' held in Rome the first meeting of the Committee for Human Rights, established by the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. The President
Furio Colombo (PD) has explained, in his introductory report, the main guidelines which will guide the work of this important Committee.
The moratorium against the death penalty, the defense of civil rights, the protection of all minorities, the fight against terrorism have been some of the main themes at the heart of the President and the subsequent actions of the parliamentary majority and opposition.
During the discussion Members have spoken and Fabio Porta Marco Fedi, elected abroad both in the ranks of the Democratic Party.
The two MPs have referred to the plight of many Italians held abroad, as well as to several hostages in the hands of kidnappers in various parts of the world.
"Often the condition of an Italian prisoner abroad and 'the limits to the more' basic rules of international civil law - supported the Hon. Porta - sometimes for the lack of bilateral agreements with Italy, for the other objective conditions of the prison (I think, for example, in many countries of South America). "
"should not be forgotten either - added the Italian deputy elected in the South America Division - who are still held hostage by kidnappers or armed gangs in South America and in Africa."
Compared to all these situations the Chairmanship of the Committee decided to entrust its Hon. Bring a separate report to be submitted in the coming months.