Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dental Recall Letters

Frankfurt, Vancouver, Buenos Aires…

Italian newspapers have not reported about, but in recent weeks around the world is something quite extraordinary happened (in the literal sense of the event "out of the ordinary"): the democratically elected representatives from all the Italians who living abroad have rallied and protested against the policy unit in the form of the Italian government. In fact
protest was attended by all members of the General Council for Italians Abroad and all the Presidents of Comites; Comites are the representative bodies of those local situations where is a number equal to or more than three thousand inhabitants, while the CGIE is a body intermediate level (between Comites and parliamentarians elected abroad), elected by the directors of Comites and associations.
During three joint meetings Comites CGIE and European countries, those non-European-speaking Anglo and Latin America, respectively, in Frankfurt, Vancouver and Buenos Aires, representatives of more than four million Italians living abroad have wanted to launch a voice cry for help (maybe the last) to the Italian government and all institutions.
Despite the conquest of the exercise of voting, which is enhanced by the presence of deputies and senators in Parliament residing abroad, the Italian communities around the world have in fact experienced some deterioration in recent years the level of full enjoyment of their social rights, and now see also questioned the full exercise of their right and duty to participate in democratic life through a system of representation that had built after years of long struggles and demands. We
a few examples, out of the rhetoric of politics and be more clear. What would happen if
in Italy, at the end of the natural duties of a municipality or a region, the Parliament decided that - perhaps awaiting approval of a new law that acts on these bodies - the elections for the renewal of these institutions would be delayed two or three years, keeping in place all the directors elected for a term of only five years?
That 's what this government is doing in these days, with the decisive support of the majority of the Italian parliament who did not hesitate in approving a decree postponing a further two years (dopi to postpone for one year from 2009 to 2010) elections and Comites CGIE.
And what if in Italy overnight, the government decided that half of poor people who are entitled to free medicines or social assistance will lose this right to leave, I repeat, the day following the reduction of the relevant appropriations ?
Again, this is what happened with the social-medical care for those Italians living abroad (mostly born in Italy) which lie at the misfortunes of a life full of sacrifices in the absence of an income insufficient to give themselves the minimum conditions for survival.
And what would happen if an elderly person in Italy without earnings-regular application pursuant to the provisions of our constitution, to receive a social pension to live with dignity the last years of his life and the government denied to pay it and attach the fact that the citizen in question had not lived for ten years consecutively in the same city?
And 'what happens to a couple of years to our elderly poor who, returning to Italy from a life of migration abroad and then often sacrifices, are denied this right because they have lived for ten consecutive years in the country.
And the list of the blatant injustices could continue, even more.
With a final and unfortunately well-known example: what would happen in Italy where the identity card or passport at the request of a public official to answer for his release that it will take six or eight years?
E ', I know many, what continues to happen at the Italian consulates in Brazil, the only ones in the world where you can not dispose of civilians in times of national processes.
Yes, the only country, as in neighboring Argentina to the Italian consular offices have been able to positively use the few human and financial resources of so-called operation "Task Force", a project, commissioned by and implemented by the Prodi government, which had as its ultimate goal the reset of this long line of Italians and shameful pending the approval del loro diritto di cittadinanza.
Contro tutto questo abbiamo manifestato in Europa, ma anche in Nordamerica e nel Sudamerica.
Abbiamo voluto dire così alla nostra patria lontana quanto è grande il rischio di una progressiva e forse radicale e definitiva secessione tra le due Italie; e questa volta non stiamo parlando dell’Italia del Nord e del Sud ma dell’Italia dello stivale e di quella, altrettanto grande, che vive fuori dalla penisola.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Pulmonary Aspiration Symptoms


1) Il Parlamento ha approvato, su proposta del suo governo, un decreto legge che proroga di ulteriori due anni (dal 2010 al 2012) le elezioni per rinnovare gli organismi di rappresentanza di base degli italiani all’estero, i Comites e il Cgie. This extension adds to that a year passed a year ago, the result will be the de-legitimization and the mortification of these important bodies, which would have a vital need for renewal, starting through the younger generation of Italians in the world. The government intends to pursue this policy of postponement, in support of bills which reduce the number and powers of Comites or agrees to support the representation of Italians in the world and a clear role in restoring power to these bodies?

2) now lives in Brazil's largest community of Italian descendants in the world: it is reliably estimated that about 36 million people, more than 300 thousand of these have citizenship Italian (just over half in the consular district of Sao Paulo). With many difficulties and few resources started about a year ago the so-called "Operation Task Force to allow the six Italian Consulate present enormous Brazilian territory to escape the accumulation of more than half a million applications for citizenship. The government intends to support such action, even with the reinforcement and extension of a consular network secure, and not for the size of Brazil and the large community of Italian origin?

3) In Brazil, also lies the world's largest community of descendants of the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire which, thanks to Law 379/2000, was granted the right to apply for Italian citizenship. What will the government do to reduce the time taken to deal with these questions at the special ministerial committee set up in Rome and - following a specific Agenda passed by the House - to assess the possibility of an extension of the expiry of the deadline of 31/12/2010 to present those questions?

4) At the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House returned the bill amending the law on the granting of citizenship. In that bill, aspects of Italians abroad are completely ignored. Remain so Missed the longstanding and widespread demands for extending the deadline for the grant, to allow those born in Italy has to be able to regain lost, consider finally the women subjects of right also in terms of transmission of citizenship to overcome the hateful discrimination between children born before the entry into force of the Constitution and those born later. What position will the Government in the discussion of the Citizenship Act?

5) The serious reduction in funding for courses in Italian language and culture abroad penalizes a request for an "Italian" which was recently expanded and disappoint the expectations of new generations. The Government is committed to stop the downward spiral of funding in this field and back at least to the level reached at the last Budget approved by the Government of the center?

6) The cuts of the last two financial organizations are severely limiting the operational capabilities of the centers of culture, they should be, like those of our European partners, the country's cultural outposts in areas of strategic interest. Commitments which the Government takes to put the institutions of culture conditions to carry out their role effectively? For Latin America, in particular, fluctuations in exchange rates often cut further resources for their activities. Why the Government does not adopt a system of balancing the economy, so schools can plan their activities based on certain resources?

7) cuts planned by the last two budget laws struck, as I said, the direct assistance of Italians abroad, and especially health care. Our compatriots living in Latin America has been seeking instead to provide continuity and enhance the efforts to ensure the poor Italians needed health care coverage through health insurance and other forms of assistance wherever they were in the conditions: a local health system and inadequate simultaneous availability of insurance company under appropriate conditions. What will his government to meet these legitimate and urgent requests?

8) For decades, the Italian government promised the establishment of an allowance of solidarity in favor of the Italians residing in a state of severe poverty in Latin America. No government among those that have followed so far has never kept its promises. Do not you think it's time to say a certain word ensuring vital support to their citizens to emigrate now living in poverty?

9) Social protection of our emigrants is certainly one of the priorities that the Government would face in Latin America. Why is not approved the agreement social security with Chile and are not renewed agreements with Brazil and Argentina now outdated and unable to ensure a more equitable and effective social protection?

10) The agreement against double taxation between Italy and Brazil in the field of pensions, which is written in an ambiguous way and has created difficulties in interpreting the relevant authorities. Paradoxically, all retired Italians living in Brazil who rely on retirement income above $ 5,000 are taxed twice, first at source by the Italian tax authorities (on the portion that exceeds that amount) and then in the country of residence. Despite repeated appeals and protests, Italy has yet to overcome this form of harassment tax. What will the Government to accept the just demands of our retirees in Brazil?

11) INPDAP payments of pensions in Brazil are still characterized by cumbersome procedures, delays, change punitive, exorbitant fees. Why was not yet possible to use even for Italian pensioners in Brazil INPDAP the method directly on the crediting bank account on the spot?

12) The shot that has been lingering presence of the unique instrument information abroad, RAI Italy, eliminating the Convention of Government with RAI as many as 12 million euro, makes it uncertain and worrying the prospects of the Italian system of communication abroad. Add to that the 50% reduction in the amounts allocated to the Italian press abroad, which plays a unique role in promoting community cohesion. The government intends to replenish the resources so severely curtailed? In particular, we intend to restore the Italian news in Portuguese, provided free of charge to the local information network, to ensure that the image of Italy and extends credits?