Sunday, September 13, 2009

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Caro Mauro,
vorrei raccogliere la tua riflessione sulla discussione che si è aperta sulle affermazioni fatte dal Presidente Fini in un incontro patrocinato dalle ACLI, non tanto per la chiamata di correo da te fatta nei confronti degli eletti della Circoscrizione Estero (v. Inform n. 162 del September 7, ed) As for the objective importance of the issues underlying the controversy over them has grown. So
President Fini, in his personal commitment to support the simplification of procedures for granting citizenship to children born in Italy of immigrants to the same extent of political rights (in particular the voting site) is going to let comparison with the children of our emigrants who, in his view, in many cases ambirebbero Italian citizenship above all to have the EU passport to use to migrate to other countries.
I have no hesitation in re clear to clear my mind complete agreement with the views expressed on immigrants in Italy and appreciation for the consistency with which it defends its orientation Fini widespread hostility between the major components of his political party. At the same time and with the same clarity I express my opposition to an unjust and improper reference to the descendants of Italians abroad, roughly similar to a minority of people would use that surreptitiously citizenship for achieving other ends. I realize that the comparison used by Mr Fini has been made not to point the finger at the Italians living abroad, but to give strength and motivation that is leading the uphill battle, not least those considerations are wrong per gli equivoci che possono ingenerare e per il fatto che provengono dalla terza carica della Repubblica, a cui si richiede ponderazione ed equilibrio.
Chi, come me, vive in America Latina, dove il problema delle richieste di cittadinanza si presenta con i numeri e i risvolti a tutti noti, spesso evocati a sproposito, sa bene che esiste un ritorno diffuso e sincero per un’italianità declinata non solo in termini civili e politici, ma culturali ed etici. E se ci sono molti giovani che non parlano la nostra lingua e conoscono poco il nostro Paese, questo non può rappresentare un motivo di discriminazione nei loro confronti, ma semmai di riflessione critica sui limiti delle nostre politiche culturali all’estero, che questo governo sta ulteriormente resizing and tragically.
said that, however, I feel that I put his mind at rest and move on to the next step in the increasingly long list of controversies about Italians abroad. Because the problem of citizenship is only the tip of the iceberg that is drifting for years in water less clear, but could not find a convincing landing. I'm talking, of course, the social and cultural transition of a country like ours, that after having met one of the most intense migration in modern history, is experiencing today a different experience of migration, sometimes mystified under the condition of "new mobility" and an uninterrupted flow immigration, which brings at the same time, major economic and social benefits and no less serious problems of civil society. There are three distinct aspects that relate to the future and united Italy: relations with the Italian community abroad, the heirs of the great diaspora of Italians, the effort of recovery and use, albeit in a broader context, also supra, energies and skills of young people who are moving away from the places of origin, as has happened for millions of immigrants, integration into the productive fabric of civil society and migrants who choose Italy as a work room and life. Three profiles, I said, only one problem, whose resolution depend not only on the level of modernization and internationalization that we will be successful in ensuring the country, but also the quality of our democracy. A higher grade values \u200b\u200band the value of memory and gratitude can not be dissociated from that of acceptance and respect, like we Italians abroad have learned in the course of a secular affair.
Migration, therefore, taken together, are carved into the groove deeper history and actuality of our national story and the error greater than one can commit is groped to separate the real processes in which they diverged, or even to contrast the forces that they are generated. That 's what unfortunately is happening in Italy because of the prevalence of the most extremist and xenophobic center of the grid and the way they are instrumentally fed the irrational impulses that develop in the bowels of society, especially in times of crisis like these .
Now, dear Maureen, if you do not want to send messages into the ether with the task of everyone, especially those who make policy, is to assess what forces are able to support this difficult battle, and how we can put together, over and beyond artificial ideological differences. With this in mind I have no doubt that the future of our society and our quality of democracy can be Using only a joint effort and cross, aimed at preventing the drift of intolerance and xenophobia that seems to travel the country and build a cohesive and integrated inside and outside that can confront the international dynamics.
From this point of view, despite significant political differences exist, I have no hesitation in saying that when he finished asking the voting site for immigrants and citizenship for children born in Italy or when Tremaglia to clear his abhorrence of the slaughter of the innocent that is renewed daily in front of our coast and calls for desperate humanity, I feel that their commitment is a goal that must be all the Democrats, even just for all civilized people. I believe, indeed, that in this way, in fact reconcile the two principles that govern the issue of citizenship, jus sanguinis and jus soli, which cease to be abstract legal categories and principles become a living civilization only to protect and develop .
I am sure, dear Mauro, who in these things there is a consensus among us deeply. And since you know the seriousness and the democratic function that "The Voice" has historically done, why not open a debate on these things and in depth on the columns of your own newspaper?
As for me, are ready to give my contribution, even participating directly in any initiatives to advance this idea.In any case, thanks for the encouragement you gave us and good luck for your important work.

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On 6 August 1906 the transatlantic "Sirius" sank off the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula: a few hours was consumed in the greatest tragedy that ever lived Italian emigration in the world. The thousand and seven hundred people on board a cargo "human" abundantly beyond the limits of the normal capacity of the ship had loaded a few days earlier from Genoa to discover their 'Merica', South America, Brazil in particular, were the destination of hundreds of men and women, children and elders, who sought bread in their land and hope. The bread that they lacked, in an Italy united by little but still too poor to feed the urban proletariat and peasant especially large and traditionally accustomed to hard work and sacrifice, the hope that it might die with the many babies who could not to overcome the first months of life, because of their unhealthy living conditions of poor families.
The sad and cold sheet speaks of the tragedy of five Italians dead and missing, five hundred innocent victims of this tragedy was the greatest Italian emigration in the world. Unsung heroes of a time when there were no mass media to publicize and disseminate real-time news and the images of carnage and tragedy, and indeed a time when it was easy and sometimes desirable for the authorities in the concealment of information. The time and distance were playing it in favor of those who had no interest in spreading some news.
I wanted to remember the disaster of "Sirius" because
few weeks ago we celebrated the "Day of Sacrifice in the Italian World" on August 8, in memory of the Italian miners who died in Belgium on the same date of 1956 in all Italian diplomatic missions in the world was a minute's silence in memory of all the fallen Italian emigration abroad. This year, over in this important decision of our Foreign Minister, the President of the Chamber of Deputies has decided to pay homage personally to this story. The President Gianfranco Fini visited, along with some Italian MPs and the Secretary General of the General Council of Italians Abroad just Marcinelle, a city-symbol of all those many, too many deaths that still remember an epic of sacrifice but also of heroism and selflessness.
A minute's silence as a good speech in front of a tombstone, but not enough to keep alive the memory of what happened and what the Italian diaspora in the world represented in the history of our country. These pages
di storia vissuta devono diventare un patrimonio permanente della cultura italiana; la proposta di introdurre l’insegnamento della storia dell’emigrazione nelle scuole risponde proprio a questa esigenza. Il Parlamento e le istituzioni italiane devono avere il coraggio di riconoscere la centralità dell’emigrazione e della presenza italiana nel mondo nell’arco dei centocinquanta anni di unità d’Italia che celebreremo tra un anno e mezzo. Una storia ancora poco conosciuta, soprattutto dalle giovani generazioni, ma anche da tanti politici e soprattutto dagli organi di informazione, che in Italia continuano a dare una immagine stereotipata e non più attuale dell’Italia nel mondo.
Alle giovani generazioni, in Italia and abroad, it shall bring this effort due to the rediscovery of a historical memory value crucial to our roots and build a new future of the relationship with the Italians in the world. The bill that I tabled in Parliament in this way provides for permanent exchanges between the Italian schools and the main countries of emigration, with prizes for the best projects and encouraging the twinning of Italy and abroad.
For the dead of the "Sirius" there will never be a plaque to go to pray, or simply pay a few tears, the dead into the sea belongs to everyone and anyone. There are reminded recently, the tragedy of Air France flight to Paris Rio. After more than one hundred years of emigration other victims falls into the sea. But this time there is a hero with a name and a face: Rino Zandonai, the Chairman of the Working Trentini nel Mondo. To him, to his great work on behalf of our community in the world, his family that Trent will continue to remember it forever along with his many friends: to them we dedicate this renewed commitment to uphold the memory of all the Italians who are gone "in the world" and now there are more.

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The economic and financial crisis that struck violently on the international market in recent months has ruled definitively the end of a world that until then seemed the most steadfast: I mean al capitalismo mondiale che ruotava intorno alla borsa di New York e, più in generale, all’economia statunitense.
Anche gli ultimi nostalgici assertori dell’unilateralismo capitalista basato sui banchieri di Washington e sugli yuppies di Wall Street hanno dovuto capitolare di fronte all’imporsi di un nuovo sistema economico multilaterale, all’interno del quale sono le nuove economie emergenti a ‘reggere il colpo’ della crisi confermando il loro ruolo sempre più centrale e decisivo.
I Paesi del ‘Bric’ (Brasile, Russia, India e Cina) sono, in questo scenario mondiale, la più evidente dimostrazione di questo nuovo modello economico multipolare; le quattro grandi nazioni rappresentano four great continents, nearly half the world's population and - above all - four huge pools of economic development alone can push international growth in the coming decades.
Italy, one of the major world economies and is currently leading country of the G8, is crossed for a few years by a serious economic crisis that the international situation in recent months has greatly exacerbated, in this context becomes increasingly important for us Italians openness to the world, both in terms of new markets for our products and partnerships and strategic alliances for internationalization of our enterprises.
For reasons of course related to the new economic order International is obvious to look at the BRIC countries as the principal markets and partners to exit at the same time economic isolation and find a virtuous economic cycle that need to resumption of GDP currently running (in fact, negative).
But the big four of the BRIC nations are not all alike, nor among themselves nor with regard to Italy.
Compared to Russia, China and India, our country compete on an equal footing with everyone else, indeed, for reasons of a geo-political and geo-economic as well as the inherent characteristics of the Italian economy, not an exercise in these countries 'economic clout equal to that of other major economies, structurally and financially equipped us to penetrate those markets.
case is different (or would be more correct to say, it would be) Brazil. In the relationship with Brazil
Italy can count on the added value of the thirty-million-Italian descendants in the great South American country, which for over a century have contributed significantly to permeate all areas of social, cultural and economic the nation. A presence that is almost hegemonic (culturally and economically speaking) in certain geographic areas, such as the State of Sao Paulo and southern Brazil.
This presence, along with apparent affinity of cultural, linguistic and religious, are the ideal partner in Brazil for a major new expansion of the Italian industrial and commercial presence on a global scale. A trend that should be all the more necessary by the various complementarities existing in the various productive sectors in a socio-economic comparison between the two countries and especially the vital need - for the Italians - a priority and strategic relationship with major energy producers.
E 'in this field, in fact, that Brazil can boast of an indisputable leader also compared with other major emerging economies: self-sufficient in oil (plus the recent discovery of the still' virgin 'basin of "pre-sal "); with enormous potential, also being further exploited in the field of hydroelectric power; and, finally, with an established world leader in the field of biofuels (alcohol and ethanol). All plants are crucial for the economic development of the planet, which we can not add the presence - on the territory of Brazil - the greatest wealth of fresh water in the world, the Amazon.
A continental country, Brazil, to which Italy is usually addressed with a look stereotyped and conditioned by cultural factors and especially by the media material (music, football, carnival) but not with the same attention and concentration when it comes to define their own choices and consequences strategies in the political and economic.
Fortunately in recent years the "party" central and essential part of those who consider the relationship with Brazil and Italy - through it - with South America, grew as well as in quantity.
A fortuitous coincidence that just arrived in recent weeks in Rome and Brasilia, the heads of their diplomatic missions to Italy and Brazil. A Gherardo La Francesca, Italy's new Ambassador to Brazil, ... and Viegas, new Ambassador of Brazil in Italy, the wish to strengthen their work with this ideal opposite sides, as well as vital not only important for the improvement of already good relations between the two countries but for a more meaningful and balanced relationship between Europe and South America.