Sunday, September 13, 2009

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The economic and financial crisis that struck violently on the international market in recent months has ruled definitively the end of a world that until then seemed the most steadfast: I mean al capitalismo mondiale che ruotava intorno alla borsa di New York e, più in generale, all’economia statunitense.
Anche gli ultimi nostalgici assertori dell’unilateralismo capitalista basato sui banchieri di Washington e sugli yuppies di Wall Street hanno dovuto capitolare di fronte all’imporsi di un nuovo sistema economico multilaterale, all’interno del quale sono le nuove economie emergenti a ‘reggere il colpo’ della crisi confermando il loro ruolo sempre più centrale e decisivo.
I Paesi del ‘Bric’ (Brasile, Russia, India e Cina) sono, in questo scenario mondiale, la più evidente dimostrazione di questo nuovo modello economico multipolare; le quattro grandi nazioni rappresentano four great continents, nearly half the world's population and - above all - four huge pools of economic development alone can push international growth in the coming decades.
Italy, one of the major world economies and is currently leading country of the G8, is crossed for a few years by a serious economic crisis that the international situation in recent months has greatly exacerbated, in this context becomes increasingly important for us Italians openness to the world, both in terms of new markets for our products and partnerships and strategic alliances for internationalization of our enterprises.
For reasons of course related to the new economic order International is obvious to look at the BRIC countries as the principal markets and partners to exit at the same time economic isolation and find a virtuous economic cycle that need to resumption of GDP currently running (in fact, negative).
But the big four of the BRIC nations are not all alike, nor among themselves nor with regard to Italy.
Compared to Russia, China and India, our country compete on an equal footing with everyone else, indeed, for reasons of a geo-political and geo-economic as well as the inherent characteristics of the Italian economy, not an exercise in these countries 'economic clout equal to that of other major economies, structurally and financially equipped us to penetrate those markets.
case is different (or would be more correct to say, it would be) Brazil. In the relationship with Brazil
Italy can count on the added value of the thirty-million-Italian descendants in the great South American country, which for over a century have contributed significantly to permeate all areas of social, cultural and economic the nation. A presence that is almost hegemonic (culturally and economically speaking) in certain geographic areas, such as the State of Sao Paulo and southern Brazil.
This presence, along with apparent affinity of cultural, linguistic and religious, are the ideal partner in Brazil for a major new expansion of the Italian industrial and commercial presence on a global scale. A trend that should be all the more necessary by the various complementarities existing in the various productive sectors in a socio-economic comparison between the two countries and especially the vital need - for the Italians - a priority and strategic relationship with major energy producers.
E 'in this field, in fact, that Brazil can boast of an indisputable leader also compared with other major emerging economies: self-sufficient in oil (plus the recent discovery of the still' virgin 'basin of "pre-sal "); with enormous potential, also being further exploited in the field of hydroelectric power; and, finally, with an established world leader in the field of biofuels (alcohol and ethanol). All plants are crucial for the economic development of the planet, which we can not add the presence - on the territory of Brazil - the greatest wealth of fresh water in the world, the Amazon.
A continental country, Brazil, to which Italy is usually addressed with a look stereotyped and conditioned by cultural factors and especially by the media material (music, football, carnival) but not with the same attention and concentration when it comes to define their own choices and consequences strategies in the political and economic.
Fortunately in recent years the "party" central and essential part of those who consider the relationship with Brazil and Italy - through it - with South America, grew as well as in quantity.
A fortuitous coincidence that just arrived in recent weeks in Rome and Brasilia, the heads of their diplomatic missions to Italy and Brazil. A Gherardo La Francesca, Italy's new Ambassador to Brazil, ... and Viegas, new Ambassador of Brazil in Italy, the wish to strengthen their work with this ideal opposite sides, as well as vital not only important for the improvement of already good relations between the two countries but for a more meaningful and balanced relationship between Europe and South America.


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