Monday, December 22, 2008

How Oldis Maxi Mounds


“Importiamo Papponi”: with this title, the Italian newspaper "Libero" has welcomed the opening of the First Conference of Young Italians in the World, held in Rome last December.
I thought (without seeing one) about how they might translate into Portuguese the word "pimp," which in reality 'is not even a term usually used in Italy, taking part' of a vulgar and insulting vocabulary of a normal vocabulary.
"pimps and 'one who lives on the shoulders of others, someone who wants to take advantage of a situation, called a rude - in other words - who may take advantage of an event or initiative in order to gain personal benefit, perhaps only for ‘mangiare a sbafo’, cioe’ gratis…
Si’, avete letto e capito benissimo: un importante quotidiano italiano, diretto da Vittorio Feltri, famoso giornalista milanese, definiva in questa maniera gli oltre quattrocento delegati giunti a Roma da tutto il mondo (40 dal Brasile) in rappresentanza di alcuni milioni di italiani e italo-discendenti oggi residenti all’estero.
Questo titolo la dice lunga su come parte dell’opinione pubblica italiana vede gli italiani nel mondo, quelli che una volta chiamavamo “oriundi”: i figli e i nipoti di quell’esercito di emigrati che oltre ad avere salvato l’Italia di oltre un secolo fa da un collasso certo hanno poi contribuito a renderla ricca with their "assigned". People which is that any serious country in the world would be proud, proud, true ambassadors of Italy in the world, and the only permanent link between our country and the four continents.
Yet not everyone thinks this way 'and yet someone still ashamed of that past, and yet someone does not want to accept that with the only change made in sixty years to our constitutional charter Italians living abroad are now, thanks to vote and elect their representatives in Parliament, citizens with equal rights and duties compared to their compatriots who live inside their own borders.
Everyone in Italy knows that "Free" and 'politically a newspaper close to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and is' why that headline has caused me some concern.
are in fact not the few thousand copies of a newspaper to worry, but the political culture in which that information sheet refers.
A culture, fortunately, that pervades the majority of government.
I was in the House, headquarters of the Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, when the President delivered a memorable speech to delegates at the conference opening session, words, including Fini, in exact contrast with the claims of "free" and some quarters of the center-right Italian; words in harmony with the appeal to young people on the same occasion the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. Why
'then so much evil when it comes to investments relating to the Italians in the world?
Why ', I believe, in Italy someone wants to close its doors to the world, close to the past (migration) but also to the future (immigration), in the illusion that by putting our heads in the sand like an ostrich is possible to address and solve the problems posed by heightened the financial crisis, the incipient recession and a globalization that is not sparing anyone.
myopic vision not only unfair and wrong. Recognizes not emigrate ed all’immigrazione quel valore storicamente innovatore e rivoluzionario; la storia della nostra emigrazione e’ si’ una storia di sacrifici e di sofferenze, ma si e’ trasformata poi anche in storia di successo e di eccellenza italiana nel mondo. Una storia che oggi, proprio grazie a quei giovani “papponi” puo’ divenire per l’Italia nuova fonte di ricchezza, di crescita e di sviluppo.
Solo la cecita’ o l’ignoranza arrogante di qualcuno puo’ permettersi il lusso di non capirlo.
E’ per questo che ho subito condiviso l’immediata e indignata protesta dei giovani italo-discendenti riuniti a Roma. Mi ha fatto piacere ascoltare e leggere le parole del Ministro della gioventu’ Italian, Giorgia Meloni, angry and shocked as me for that title but also fierce supporter of the validity 'of that initiative.
I got to share almost a week of work, debates, meetings and discussions with these guys: I appreciated the quality 'and depth' of their reasoning and the work of their final thematic commissions. They also come to lament the absence among young Italians living in Italy, "the same spirit of critical thinking and operational propositions in the direction of the future.
This type of experience, if anything, should be guaranteed continuity and an adequate follow-'. Unfortunately, the choices of the Government are in fact more 'in the direction of the title of "Libero" that the lines of what the President of the Chamber or by the Minister of Youth'.
E 'Italy to need - at this moment as never before in its past - the energy and enthusiasm of her children and grandchildren who live abroad, much less the opposite!
I still hope that the wisdom and foresight of the majority of the parliamentarians and representatives of our institutions will be 'able to understand it before (I repeat wearily) it's too late ...


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