Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rap Wedding Invitations


Why and when the Italians have moved to be the saddest people in Europe and how to do it once again become the people nice and friendly that the whole world has known.

Italy has changed, is no longer the same, it is more similar to itself, or - better - it is more like the image that everyone in the world we got a beautiful country: Italy happy and carefree, the country of the happy life of the legendary warmth and friendliness of its people no longer exists.
A finding that until recently it was usually done by our emigrants on their return home, or the country of their grandparents or great-grandparents, where was that people cheerful and hospitable, welcoming and always ready to stop smiling and disinterested? Today the first to admit that change, this real trasformazione o metamorfosi della loro maniera di essere sono gli stessi italiani. Sconsolatamente e con una certa rassegnazione.
Perché tutto questo è avvenuto e, soprattutto, quando è iniziato questo processo che ha trasformato nel giro di pochi decenni gli italiani dal popolo più felice a quello più pessimista d’Europa?
Per trovare una risposta e forse anche una data dobbiamo fare un salto all’indietro di circa trent’anni. Siamo nella seconda metà degli anni’70, quando esplode in Italia con tutta la sua virulenza il fenomeno del terrorismo. Attentati, sparatorie, sequestri di persona, sono all’ordine del giorno. Improvvisamente, in particolare nelle grandi città, si comincia to be afraid to go out at night to go to crowded places, you become suspicious of a neighbor or colleague just sitting in the desk next to ours.
My parents gave up at the last moment to move from Sicily to Rome to fear, yes, the fear of losing the security that a small provincial town could offer to a family with school-age children.
were also the years of the so-called "reflux." After the great post-war democratic participation, the social achievements of the center-left governments of the collective euphoria of students and workers in the sixty / sixty-nine, the policy is no longer fashionable; enters the vehemence with private enter crisis in the 'great myths' collective.
In those years, Lucio Dalla, one of the most famous Italian singers abroad, wrote a song called "The coming year" in which he describes in his own way and with the magical power of music and words intelligently combined the climate of that period. The song is a letter to a friend, written a few days after the end of one of those dark years, and heavy: "My dear friend I write - Lucio sings - so I get distracted a bit, 'and since you're far stronger than I will write" .
After a few verses here as the singer describes the climate of those years: "It just comes out at night, including when party, there are those who put bags of sand near the window (...) and he is not talking for weeks, and those who have things to say time is left. "
In these thirty years Italy has changed and more Italians are changed, the years of ebb and terrorism followed the years of "clean hands" and the entry of our country in the Europe of the single currency, with the transition from lira to the euro, a long period of low economic growth, rising unemployment and difficult to maintain for the Italian families of welfare levels obtained previously. Right up to recent times dominated by the "Berlusconi" e dal “leghismo”. Il partito di Berlusconi e la Lega Nord hanno in qualche modo incarnato meglio di qualsiasi altro movimento questo disagio e questa difficoltà del Paese ad uscire dalla spirale perversa nel quale è entrata negli anni ’80. Lo hanno fatto, a mio avviso, accentuando gli aspetti e gli effetti negativi di questa crisi, rafforzandone le tentazioni alla chiusura e all’isolamento del Paese e non le speranze di apertura e di cambiamento. La grave disattenzione di questi ultimi anni verso gli italiani nel mondo e le politiche severe e xenofobe in materia di immigrazione ne sono uno degli esempi più lampanti.
Eppure, nonostante questo scenario certamente non ottimista, come italiano non voglio perdere la speranza to see my people recover those values \u200b\u200band characteristics that over the centuries have made it fun, unique and inimitable in the eyes of the world. And I believe that this miracle will be achieved thanks to the many millions of foreigners in Italy and Italians in the world.
"The year is coming - From the song ended - in a year's end, I'm getting ready and this is news!"


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