Saturday, October 2, 2010

What Happens If You Get Herpes And Aps Syndrome

FERRARA - Accreditation Seminar Anoxia

The September 23 was held in Ferrara, at the Human Services Center in ASP via Ripagrande, The fifth seminar on accreditation by anoxia

The title of the conference is: ACCREDITATION - Relationship between customer and operator, the service contract

The process of accreditation of health and social services which was launched by the Emilia-Romagna, is now at the closing bars. A day is the deadline for applications for accreditation and will soon be drafted service contracts, an important moment of confrontation between local public administration and service provider.

Il convegno si è svolto come da programma.

Dopo un’introduzione di saluto del Presidente dell’ASP, Sergio Gnudi, ha portato il saluto dell’amministrazione comunale di Ferrara la dott.ssa Chiara Sapigni, Assessore alla Salute e Servizi alla Persona.

A questo puntosi è svolta la presentazione dell’associazione e un’introduzione al problema generale dell’accreditamento da parte di Renato Dapero, Presidente della sez. regionale di ANOSS. Ha ricordato le origini dell’associazione e il suo scopo principale che è quello di promuovere conoscenza e dibattito su
• programmazione e organizzazione dei servizi di social and health assistance
• culture of the centrality of the person and character of the operator

professional integration and to realize, at all levels of personnel, training consistent

then gave a reading of the crisis "State service" that the state is in trouble today for three reasons
1. Highly customizable services in relation to the demand for an increasingly complex and demanding
2. The need for renewal of a PA to the more tense formal correctness that efficiency / effectiveness
3. Spending is too high in relation The effectiveness of

introductory speech ends with a slide showing the instruments of governance and how they are related to each other.

The word is passed to Dino Terenziani that drew an interesting overview of the rules of accreditation by fixing the attention on some crucial points.

One of these is identified in the bureaucracy. Terenziani says "The resolution is very precise about the requirements for accreditation thereby proving that the opening to complete management by private parties is viewed with suspicion. ... Also the quality control, essential in the provision of public service, does not improve beyond a certain level of tax procedures, which will produce red tape and complications for the operator to the controller "with this, is the conclusion of the rapporteur on this point makes it unlikely that the testing of innovative procedures could allow individuals and pluralism in the production of the service.

He also speaks of the great difficulties and structural requirements that determine the rule which requires the making of investments which are not easily seen can be properly funded in the tariffs.

suggests, then, an interesting passage on the unified management: A complex view that in some cases requires the overall reorganization of services, not only problems with organization, but also political and trade union are not sufficiently taken into account. Emphasizes that the path to achieve this step has been properly planned to take place as a three-year period. "However, it remains written in the sand for the indication in the request for transitional Accreditation (ie between 8 days), to determine the immediate outcome of this path with the identification of entities that case, will become holders of managerial unit.

Entering the theme of the service contract defines the obligations that it reminds manager assumes that the person with the acceptance of procedures and audit trails in order to meet the requirements, as well as periodic evaluations of the services provided and their business model. The service contract must be accepted and must be predetermined rates assumed debt information to the competent administrations

The rapporteur says that the most general definition of service contracts involve the development of a very complex document, of which there are qualified interpretations Edited by Raffaele Tomb of the social innovation of the Regional Manager and Regional ER Claudia Golino consultant and a document 191/2010 Dossier: "CONTRACTS SERVICE BETWEEN LOCAL AND ASP ". (In the sidebar next to you can download the text)

Mette, finally, to highlight the following critical issues:
- the complexity of the definition of fees
- compensation for the use of services or supplies by the public
- the balance be found between the homogeneity shown by national regulations and to allow some flexibility on a case by case basis, keeping in tune supply and demand.

Terenziani When it's time for Happy Maran, Director socio-sanitary AUSL Ferrara called to express a position on the non- facile problema della qualità e sostenibilità.

Primo concetto importante è che il termine “qualità” è comunemente utilizzato con significati diversi. Il concetto di qualità quindi non è semplice né univoco e, specie per i servizi alla persona, si manifesta complesso e polivalente in quanto caratterizzato:

a) da elementi storici, culturali, ambientali e istituzionali che ne determinano anche il livello di aspettativa dei cittadini;

b) dalla diversità dei soggetti interessati:
- utenti attuali e potenziali;
- numerose figure professionali;
- soggetti istituzionali;
- soggetti erogatori pubblici, privati e del privato sociale.

At this point shows the ISO under which the quality is defined as "the set of properties and characteristics of a product or a service, giving it the ability to meet the needs of the explicit and implicit customer / user "then states that personal services the greater complexity also depends on the fact that it creates a product but a service and then what according to ISO standards can be defined as the product actually is accomplished through the direct relationship between operator and user actions and interactions that make up their relationship, "the speaker concluded, the product of which we speak is" A social act, "the rapporteur said that we need to grasp the different dimensions of quality in correlational perspective, triggering virtuous processes aimed at improving services. Bella

the conclusion of this part:

There quality
If it is not quality for all

The process of accreditation provides:

• Organisational arrangements draw on the transparency of operations and processes;

defined level of qualification and training of operators as well as consistent application of contract rules and remuneration. "The combination of all these elements is the added value of accreditation and social health.

Remember at this point that the region of Emilia-Romagna in the definition of the accreditation process for health and social services have set the general and specific requirements (DGR 514 \\ 2009) a "uniform system of tariff" Building a

"system" is shared regional orientation of all actions and all the means of implementation, and therefore the remuneration system. The system must provide:

• The level of quality necessary to recognize and sustainable
• Equity in access system and contributing to the cost of services
• The quality and efficiency in the system of production

Referring to those who have expressed doubts about the rules of accreditation as due to a standardization process, in itself considered negative points that a century now everything is given a different meaning. Quotes about the findings of a conference of surgeons in the U.S. held in 1912 which states: "standardize the structure and way of working in hospitals means that institutions with higher ideals have proper recognition before the professional community while institutions with lower standards are encouraged to improve the quality of their work "


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