Friday, November 12, 2010

Kate Playground Forum


GentleCare Model and Research of Quality of Life in Homes for the Elderly

of this will be discussed at a conference to be held Nov. 19 at

Foundation Vismara De Petri onlus
Via Vismara, 10-26020 San Bassano (CR )

Here is the abstract of the conference

The ambitious project of this study day is to analyze the current situation of living in nursing homes for elderly people who residents and their families, both for professionals who work there. For each of these actors it is essential to ask questions of meaning about the issues of quality of life and questions over how to design paths for improvement.

The conference will offer reflections that interact among themselves, will address the theme of happiness in the workplace and issues related to motivation and the roles of operators, will delve into the issue of vulnerability of the subjects and pain experienced in care institutions to arrive at the presentation of a more appropriate model of care.

In the sidebar of the flyer invitation

Look in column to the right!



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