Sunday, February 13, 2011

Finalizing A Dvd-r Sv2000

Talent Finder -network event

Not long ago we had the opportunity to present a very special network comprises a network of professionals and talents.
We're talking about the "network" site David Wilhelm . Site that carries on a mission difficult, but certainly not "impossible", judging by the results achieved in a short time.
In only six months exclusive of talented professionals and companies have been discovered, valued and integrated creatively in unique projects, innovative, inspiring and international.

From this spirit comes the first event designed to bring together the creative talents and present them to the world. Now you're wondering where? when? ... I'll say we Zanzu La Bottega. The February 24, 2011 at 21:00, at the Cultural Center of Zo Catania.
will be a happening designed to show the world the talents that have already embraced this progetto e che darà loro una prima occasione concreta di visibilità.
Ogni Talento coinvolto sarà messo ‘in mostra’: gli attori e i musicisti saranno chiamati sul palco per un live show ; i designer, i fotografi, gli illustratori e i pittori avranno degli appositi spazi espositivi da ammirare; gli scrittori e i poeti saranno ‘rivisitati’ in un apposito momento di lettura.
Co-protagonista dell’evento sarà la libera creatività, dal momento che ognuno si esprimerà secondo la sua dimensione artistica più autentica.
Among the talents involved there we Saramo La Bottega di Zanzu for the occasion will present some exclusive pieces of the Spring-Summer 2011.
Admission also includes access tasting buffet is 10 € and part of the event will support two humanitarian projects, driven by two Heartner the Network: BA. CO. DI.RA.ME ( ), an association Bruno went to fund the research against rare metabolic diseases of children, and the care and treatment program dell'HIV/AIDS in Burkina Faso gestito dal CIAI e promosso da Cycling for Children’ ( ), progetto di Fabio Consoli, che promuove le attività a sostegno dei bambini del sud del mondo.
Non lasciatevi scappare un evento di questo e venite numerosi giorno 24 Febbraio.


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